Tank Gauge Interface
It is perfectly possible to manage your tank stock without fitting a tank gauge to your tanks. If deliveries are entered through the web site, regular tank dips taken and entered, and your pumps are accurate, then you should always have a clear picture of what is in your tanks, and when to re-order fuel. Unfortunately, there are circumstances where a tank gauge is essential to quickly identify tank stock and pump issues;
- Short Deliveries – did the stock delivered match what was expected? Are you being invoiced correctly for what you received?
- Theft from Tanks – A sudden stock loss out of hours will only be noticed on the next dip, or when you run out of fuel unless a tank gauge is fitted.
- Leaks from tanks – is the tank leaking in to the bund, or, even worse, in to the ground?
- Has a scheduled delivery arrived ? The lower the level you operate your tanks, the more important it is that deliveries arrive on time.
- Have deliveries been entered in to the system ? Gauging makes it obvious if deliveries have not been entered, or have been entered twice.
- Are Pumps over or under delivering ? Pumps delivering more or less fuel than they are indicating will result in incorrect MPG’s and can lead to repeated stock write offs.
Why use an integrated tank gauge?
With a gauge fitted, the actual volume of fuel in the tank is sent back on the back of each fuelling transaction so that on the web site, both the book stock and gauge stock are updated simultaneously. Any divergence between the two figures is immediately obvious and gives you critical information on your fuel stocks. All of the above listed Stock issues can be easily managed if a suitably accurate tank gauge is employed.
Additionally, the Web system can show a graph of gauge stock against book stock over an extended period which makes identifying stock issues very simple indeed.