Fuel Management Software
- Real Time data with no manual polling required
- Real Time Book Stock Updated with every transaction
- Simple to Understand - easy to operate
- Helpful User Guide on each web page
- “Vision” Tiles give real time presentation of your entire fuelling operation
- Full Suite of reports can be generated automatically
- Automatic E-Mail of Report Templates
The Jigsaw web service has been designed to give easy access to all your fuelling information. The service divides the functions of your system in to the basic components - Sites, Vehicles and People so that navigating around the site screens required is simple and easy to use.
Regardless of whether your network has just one fuelling site or fifty, the system is just as easy to use. Reports are pre-configured requiring just the minimum of detail setting before running.
The Jigsaw Fuel web software is clear bright and colourful and easy to navigate. Each page has a built in Page Guide which takes you through the many features step by step. Data may be accessed through PC’s,computers, tablets or smart phones 24/7 with no limit to the number of users.